The flower battle at the premiere of Economopoulos - Gonidis!

Nikos Economopoulos lived through an unusual "battle" since his fans literally bombarded him with the flower petals at the Fever nightclub premiere, where he performs with Stamatis Gonidis and Katerina Stikoudi!
What was the result? The "rain" of the flowers from his fans felt down at his feet!
Nikos Economopoulos greeted warmly patrons of Fever welcoming them to the show that promises much fun and songs!
The flower battle continued throughout the night, but the singer did not seem daunted!
Quite opposite: he dedicated his success to the public who came to the show!
All night long girls of the club, dressed in red, never stopped sprinkle Nikos Economopoulos with petals!
For Stamatis Gonidis of this was a special premiere as it brought him back to the night club scene after 2 years break!
What could be more explosive than the duet of sexy-dressed Katerina Stikoudi and Stamatis Gonidis?
Katerina has a lot to learn next to a veteran of the night scene, such as Stamatis Gonidis, so she was
looking at the singer with adoration!
(translation of the article published by
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