The Man of the Month talks to “Celebrity” magazine

Recently Nikos Economopoulos was named "The Man of the Month" by "Celebrity" magazine. The outstanding young singer gave an iterview to them. What he was talking about? Here are some most important statements he made and answers he gave: With his new album "Tha Eimai Edo" Nikos started to work from April. He is very proud with this work . (He names authors and 2 songs , which were first on air) Nikos said, the fact that the album became double platinum within the first days , shows that people appreciated this work and he is very thankful for that. The collaboration with Phoebus happened spontaneously, without any connection to the fact that Nikos is working on stage with two Phoebus’ stars. Phoebus just proposed him one song (Kai ti egine), as he felt that it will suite Nikos. The names of Despina Vandi and Elli Kokkinou came out while Nikos was discussing a new season programme with Thanasis Papageorgiou, who runs some nightclubs in Athens and with whom ...