Nikos Oikonomopoulos talks to Salonika Video
Nikos Oikonomopoulos answered a few questions by Salonika Video journalist Nikos said, that he and his colleagues are “in a good mood when we are with good people in such a great city as Thessaloniki” About their programme, he said (being half-serious): “We have not got clowns and things like that, we have a laika programme that I do, and of course we have “Melisses" and Katerina Stikoudi, who make the most fashionable things, and it seems for these three weeks that we are here, people liked us and I I'm glad that everything goes well.” Nikos was speaking about his favourite genre of songs: “The laika song was, is and always will be the basis of everything for music in Greece. Laika song never dies, even though some people would like to be so, it did not, does not and will never end.” And he added regarding the way he understands the art of laika entertainment: “It is unnecessary for me to see a clown or an acrobat at laika programme. I do not mi...