Eilikrina, a new CD by Nikos Economopoulos, 2013 (Review)

On his seventh full length album “Eilikrina” (Sincerely ) the legitimate prince of Greek laika Nikos Economopoulos, delivers another seriously enjoyable set of music released on Minos EMI - Universal label. Each song on this flamboyant new CD thrills the ear as though it were a live performance. It contains 16 compositions of various genres, predominated by Greek laika influence. All the arrangements here are superb while Economopoulos is a clean, precise and soulful artist who always knows how to deliver the essence of a song and as a result we hear his core feeling for each of them, coloured by his special timbre. Opening track “Se lipamai” (I Miss You) by Avgi Gavrilaki (words) and Dimitris Harmas (music) combines features of various genres, such as techno, laika- waltz and ballade. It also displays the big range of the singer’s voice starting with low baritonal and rising to the upper tenor notes. Thus, it gives a clue to the entire album with its genre...