"Meet & Greet" with Nikos Economopoulos

It was a big honour and pleasure for the 14th “Meet & Greet” by Tralala.gr, which took place at the Kitchen Bar in Halandri, to have Nikos Economopoulos as a guest! The turnout was incredible and broke all previous records, which touched Nikos Economopoulos when we told him about it. There were even participants of the competition from Cyprus and one of them was lucky to meet him up close! The fifteen years old Christina, was brought by her family for the first time to Greece from Cyprus, and the reason was her favourite artist! This, I think, by itself, demonstrates the enormous success of the artist. Nikos Economopoulos arrived to the meeting with his fans being one of the first, more jovial than ever, with a hunger for this meeting. He even did not want the meeting to be in a private area of the Kitchen Bar who hosted us, but in the place for the patrons of the restaurant. He did not hesitate to talk with his fans about anything they wanted and at one moment said the meeting ...