
Showing posts from August, 2011

Nikos Economopoulos: Relaxing in Rhodos

(translation of the article by Gossip We found Nikos Economopoulos relaxing and diving on the Island of Knights. After the winter full of professional obligations, the singer was in need of rest and spending time with dear friends and acquaintances. The photographic lens of gossip tv was located in the garden of one famous hotel complex where he resided, when Nikos had ride with a friend. Dressed in blue shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops he looked very attractive, relaxed and in good mood. Judging by the selection of clothes Nikos Economopoulos was heading to the beach to have a swim and to drive mad the female population with his appearance.


Η καλοκαιρινή περιοδεία του Νίκου Οικονομόπουλου στην Κύπρο ήταν μια μεγάλη επιτυχία. Αυτή τη φορά ο νεαρός καλλιτέχνης εμφανίστηκε σε τρείς πόλεις :στην Λεμεσό (27 Ιουλίου στον ναυτικό όμιλο ''Waves''), στο Δάλι (29 Ιουλίου στο προαστειο της Λευκωσίας στο στάδιο ''Αδωνη'' που ειχε μεταποιηθεί σε νυχτερινό κέντρο) και στην Πάφο (30 Ιουλίου στο ''Velvet Hall''). Το συναυλιακό πρόγραμμα του Νίκου Οικονομόπουλου μαζί με τους καλλιτέχνες που τον συνόδευαν ήταν πολύ ελκυστικό για το ευρύ φάσμα του κοινού λόγω της ποικιλίας του,αλλά κυρίως , φυσικά, ο κόσμος εντυπωσιάστηκε από τον ίδιο τον νεαρο τραγουδιστή. Το κοινό της Κύπρου αγκάλιασε τα αγαπημένα του με μεγάλο ενθουσιασμό. Αύτο πλέον δεν προκαλεί έκπληξη καθώς και οι προηγούμενες συναυλίες στην Κύπρο ήταν ένας θρίαμβος του νεαρού Έλληνα σταρ. Κάθε μια από τις παραπάνω αίθουσες ήταν κατάμεστη και σε κάθε παράσταση γέμιζε από γαρύφαλλα και ο Νίκος γέμιζε από μπουκέτα με λουλούδια. ...

Summer Concerts of Nikos Economopoulos in Cyprus (July, 2011)

Summer Concert tour of Nikos Economopoulos in Cyprus was a great success. This time the young Greek singer has performed in three cities: Limassol (27th of July, in the Nautical Club "Waves"), Dali (29th of July, in this suburb of Nicosia the stadium “Adonis” was transformed into a nightclub) and Paphos (30th of July, in the Velvet Hall) . The concert program of Nikos Economopoulos along with the artists who accompanied him, was very attractive for the wide range of audience due to it's variety, but in particular, of course, people were impressed by the young singer himself. Cypriot public embraced their favorite with huge enthusiasm. It's no longer surprising, as previous concerts in Cyprus were a triumph of the young Greek star. Each of the above halls was crowded and every show was filled with carnations and Nikos was littered with bunches of flowers. What attracts the audience so much in this young artist' performances and why every time Nikos is...

Летние концерты Никоса Икономопулоса на Кипре

Летние концерты Никоса Икономопулоса на Кипре прошли с огромным успехом. На этот раз молодой Греческий певец выступил в трех городах : Лимассол (27го Июля, в Морском клубе "Waves"), Дали - предместье Никосии (29го Июля, на стадионе "Адонис", который был на время превращен в ночной клуб ) и Пафос ( 30го Июля, в концертном зале "Вельвет"). Концертная программа Никоса Икономопулоса и артистов сопровождавших его отличалась многообразием и понравилась самым широким кругам слушателей. В особенности, конечно, произвел неотразимое впечатление сам молодой певец. Кипрская публика принимала своего любимца с огромным энтузиазмом. Это уже давно не удивительно, ведь и предыдущие концерты молодой Греческoй звезды проходили на Кипре триумфально. Каждый из перечисленных выше залов был переполнен и на каждом концерте Никос был засыпан гвоздиками и завален букетами цветов. Что-же так привлекает всякий раз публику в выступлениях этого молодого артиста и п...

Summer Concerts of Nikos Economopoulos in Cyprus

Summer Concert tour of Nikos Economopoulos in Cyprus was a great success. This time the young Greek singer has performed in three cities: Limassol (27th of July, in the Nautical Club "Waves"), Dali (29th of July, in this suburb of Nicosia the stadium “Adonis” was transformed into a nightclub) and Paphos (30th of July, in the Velvet Hall) . The concert program of Nikos Economopoulos along with the artists who accompanied him, was very attractive for the wide range of audience due to it's variety, but in particular, of course, people were impressed by the young singer himself. Cypriot public embraced their favorite with huge enthusiasm. It's no longer surprising, as previous concerts in Cyprus were a triumph of the young Greek star. Each of the above halls was crowded and every show was filled with carnations and Nikos was littered with bunches of flowers. What attracts the audience so much in this young artist' performances and why every time Nikos is g...